
Sanskrit Name : Shatavari Latinal Name : Asparagus racemous Habitat : Throughout tropical and subtropical India. Morphology : It is a creeper,annual woody plant Branches - triangular,oily and have striations on it. Thorns - on its stalk and it grows upward, 0.62 to 1.25 cm in length and some what curved. Leaves - very small,stalk 1.25 to 2.5 cm in length and there are 2 to 6 together in bunch,curved. Flowers - white,fragnant,in solitary or fascicled,simple or branched racemes2.5 - 5 cm long. Fruit - berry,5-6 mm diameter,red. Root - many thick oblong rootlets near the main root which is used as medicine. Part Used - Roots.

Stanyaksaya,Artavaksaya,Rakta pitta,Arsas,Atisara,Grahani,Ksaya,Gulma.


Indicative Price

Shatavari's Raw Herb - Rs.1,800

Shatavari's Powder - Rs.2,700

Shatavari's Oil - Rs.3,600

Shatavari's Extract - Rs.4,200

Varieties & Adulterants

Shatavari - A.racemosus

Mahashatavari - A .sarmentosus

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